Nana’s 24-Hour Hong Kong Foodie Adventure
If I had just 24 hours in Hong Kong, here’s where I’d eat my heart out—and yes, tea’s coming along! These spots are my musts, and I’d totally drag you...
If I had just 24 hours in Hong Kong, here’s where I’d eat my heart out—and yes, tea’s coming along! These spots are my musts, and I’d totally drag you...
Discover the world's best tea shops, unique brews, and tea culture. Explore top-rated destinations and Nana's recommendations. Perfect for tea enthusiasts
Carry the finest teas in your pocket! Experience our latest tea bars, now elegantly packaged in Chinese art-inspired wrapping. Our tea bar collections are carefully curated, with different premium loose...
With the city starting to cool down for winter, it's the perfect time for rock teas. Rock Teas derive their signature "rock essence" from the minerals in the mountainous Wuyishan...
Hong Kong has a singular new destination for tea drinkers, with the opening of Plantation Tea Bar in Sai Ying Pun. Founded by Nana Chan of iconic tea café teakha,...
Take your own favourite leaves wherever you go! Here are our tips from our years of travelling with tea.
TEA WITH STEVE HARRISON Come for a meet and greet with world renowned UK ceramic artist Steve Harrison as you taste three kinds of specialty Chinese teas curated for his...
我們將會和 Gallery Tete 攜手為大家帶來由陶器製作家渡辺林平先生親手製作的器物,舉辦一埸由器物作延伸的限定茶會。 這次展覽是他在香港的首個個人展覽,平時喜愛飲茶的渡辺林平先生更為了他首次個人展覽,特別製作了茶杯、茶海和其他盛載中國茶的器皿。渡邊林平先生的作品主要在山坡上的大型穴窯燒製而成,由原土到入窯燒的過程,作品從人為製作變成原始自然力量的試煉,火的熱力與時間將改變每一個作品最終的面貌,每一個作品都成為過程中的唯一,就如喝茶般,同一款茶葉也有千變萬化的世界。 我們十分有幸參與這次的茶會並使用由渡邊先生製作的器物作茶,是次參與者將會獲得渡邊先生製作的茶杯乙隻。茶會將會在展覽的第一天及第二天舉辦,首日Plantation 茶師將會駐埸 Gallery Tete 舉辦茶會;次日將會在Plantation Tea Bar 舉辦。日期: October 26, 2024 (周六)活動長度:1小時埸數:2pm 及 4pm埸地: Gallery TetePMQ | 鴨巴甸街35號7樓A座 S704語言:廣東話,輔以英語價錢:$480 ————————————日期: October 27, 2024 (周日)活動長度:1小時埸數:12pm埸地: Plantation...
We're partnering with award-winning mixologist Antonio Lai for a new tea cocktail menu for Plantation Tea Bar. Coming soon!
Did you know tea leaves are great for composting? We donate ours to The Rocket - a composting machine at ISF school.
Why our tea is and always will be bag-free.
3 reasons why our new tea canisters and tins are worth adopting.
It's easier and cheaper to source mass-produced tea. Why do we choose small-batch?
Join us for a unique tea & alcohol pairing experience at Quinary on 8 March!
Every year we host a tea and calligraphy workshop with award-winning calligrapher Sam Chan. Here are his thoughts on the two arts.
10 gifts that every tea person will love! We've selected the most popular items, so you can't go wrong with any of these.
Our own version of Moroccan Mint is naturally rounder, smoother and doesn't need any sugar!
A festive twist on our classic chai, Merry Masala embodies all the warmth and merriness of winter festivals. Here's how to prepare it at home.
Our non-alcoholic version of mulled wine, this caffeine-free Mulled Roselle tisane is the perfect guilt-free treat for the festive season.
This dramatically aromatic Dancong oolong tea was thus named to keep its deliciousness a secret. It tastes better than it sounds, promise!